Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Red Star!

Finally, after waiting for so long in anticipation (and the sudden realization that I had actually bought d20 Modern only for the sole reason of playing in this setting) I hold in my hands a copy of The Red Star d20 Campaign Setting!

It's a hardbound sourcebook from Green Ronin Publishing's Mythic Vistas sourcebook line for the d20 system. Personally facilitated in the writing by the creator of the Red Star, Mr. Christian Gossett, the book does very well in conveying the setting of the award-winning comic book.

The Red Star is a fantastic setting, and the Campaign Setting lives up to it by taking the D20 Modern Corebook and taking it to a whole new direction. New Base Classes, Feats, Skills, Equipment, Vehicles and Spells make the entire setting plausible for a military campaign.

Having only just flipped through the rules so far, I don't see any glaring difficulties in it. Some of the Protokols seem to have really high kasting check DCs, but I think that's pretty much expected for the effect they have in and out of the battlefied. I think it's a great touch that the spells are not so much grounded on the "fantastic" as much as the practical in a setting filled with Industrial Technology with Magic. Supply Protokols, Armor Piercing Protokols and even Bridge Laying Protokols make the spells unique to the setting, and they mesh well with the feel of the world.

The Art is top-notch, hands down. Sure most of it comes from the comic (except for a few panels which I expect to see in future issues of the Red Star) but it fits it nonetheless.

The Red Star D20 is one of the few products that has absolutely floored me in D2o. I'm not a big fan of the system, preferring the Storytelling or HERO systems for rules, I make a special exception for this book. The tweaks made to the d20 Modern game made it flow smoother in my opinion.

I'll make a deeper review of the book when I get a chance to sit down and really mull over the nitty gritty aspects of it, but as a parting shot, let me leave you guys with a link to the opening cinematic of the Red Star videogame coming out on the X Box and the PS2 over HERE.

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