Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Typing in Cold, Dark Places

Here I am once again typing out a new blog entry in the relative quiet of the company break room. Things have been pretty quiet as of late, with work, sleep, and the occasional book to break things up.

All this quiet and air-conditioned, darkroom solitude has got me thinking. I'm not one to get all depressed and everything, but hearing about people who pull ahead in life leaves me disappointed in myself. Better cut this particular train of thought before it balloons into something unmanageable.

---- snip ----

I just noticed that when it comes to strategy games, I'm always short of brilliance due to my lack of long term planning. Whether it's Chess, Go, Legend of the Five Rings, Warhammer or even Puerto Rico, I'm prone to short term success, but not luck in the long run. Taking a step back to look over things, I think I'll do way better if I start taking my time to think things over. I'm no strategic savant, and rushing will only screw me over.

I wonder what will happen if I actually manage to come up with a good long term strategy? Who knows? I might actually start racking up some victories for once.

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