Tuesday, July 13, 2004

One more challenge... and a little respect for Mage

Finals today.

This is the other "Make-or-Break" part of training for my new job. I'm not really nervous, but I'm pretty sure that I'd still need good luck. I've studied, and I've got little mental notes floating about my mind right now on little reminders, rules and things not to forget.

This is as ready as I'll ever be.

Wish me luck?


On the hobby end of things, I came upon this review of Mage: the Ascension as a game line in general, dealing with the themes and changes of the game from its initial incarnation over to the revised edtion that currently graces my shelves.


Vin said...

Hey Jay- Good Luck! I'm sure you'll do fine. Drop by when you've got time.

Tonnie Seawolf said...

Good luck Jay!!!
I'm sure you can do it! There is nothing you can't do. ;)
I'll be cheering you on banners and all!!!
*big hug*