Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Story Time with Uncle Jay

Well, now that I've gotten the whole business of Pat Robertson ruining my morning, let's go ahead into some good news for a change. Just recently I've submitted a short story for Dean Alfar's Philippine Speculative Fiction Anthology.

I was really surprised to find that my story was actually chosen to be part of it. Right now, I'm putting a few edits onto it before I send the story back for it's first editorial pass.

To be honest, it feels odd to be published in a book. I'm technically a virgin to being published and it still feels shiny and new to me. ;)

Ah well, I guess I'd better get back to editing the story. If it's going to be out in public, it might as well be good.


Jam A. said...

Congratulations, brother dear! :) I wish I could be like you and have my stories published as well. :)

raymond said...

congratulations, at least i'm not the only one who finds your work publishable. haha

Scaredy-Geek said...

Good for you!!! ^____^ get a copy of it and keep it for the grandkids. ;) seriously, congrats! really happy for you. ^^

and the pat robertson thing...yeah, that IS whacked.

Tobie said...

Congratulations man!
I didn't make it.
