Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Good Players vs. Great Players

I'm taking a little time off to quote a post from Ratboy45 over at regarding observations between Good RPG players and Great RPG players.

I'm pretty sure that some of my fellow gamers read this and I'd say that it serves as a great reminder as to why we game in the first place.

As quoted from Ratboy45:

A good player will think about what his character would do before he acts.

A great player will think ways to make his character realistically take actions that benefit the game.

A good player will seek out opportunities to get his character involved in things.

A great player will seek out opportunities to have his character help others get involved.

A good player will avoid doing things that makes the GM's job more difficult.

A great player will look for ways to make the GM's job easier.

A good player will make an effort to learn the rules.

A great player will remember that the rules must sometimes be broken for purposes of flavour or story.

A good player will seek out ways to build his character's story.

A great player will know when to let his character’s story end.

A good player understands that winning means having fun.

A great player understands that winning doesn’t mean much unless everybody wins.

Give the above list some thought, and try it out in your next game. You might find that you're having more fun than you thought you would.

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