Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Well, after a few days of not being able to do anything even remotely resembling blogging, I've finally come up with an update.

Just last Saturday, I've started GMing a Spycraft campaign with the same group that played in the Exalted campaign. So far it's been a blast, each of the players really fell into the feel of the game, and everyone had a lot of fun. Of course, little did they know that the evil dictator they so easily disposed of in their game was meant to last at least a few sessions more.


The wonders of being a GM. Then again, like they say, "never stat out an NPC that you do not wish to see dead." Somehow, in whatever shape or form, your players will find a way to grind your villain to dust. Then again, they did it with so much finesse that I applauded for them. All my work paid off, even if it wasn't in the way I planned.

Speaking of plans, I'm stuck trying to think of another evil plot to use to rule the world and threaten my players with this weekend. Thankfully, my strange ability to dig weird stuff up in the net to find some sort of Bond villain plot device weapon has come up with this:

Here we have a new weapon being designed for use in the near future! (key bad imitation 1950's "World of Tomorrow" narrator) Introducing, the Pain Beam, a revolutionary weapon that incapacitates people "by firing millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy in a beam that quickly heats up the surface of the victim's skin. Within seconds the person feels pain that is akin to touching a hot light bulb."

Right now, it's classified primarily for crowd dispersal and control. But so far, nobody has any idea what prolonged exposure to it will do to a human body.

Well, that's about it for right now. I'm still looking for a good plot to use for super spies to foil. If you guys have any ideas on how you would rule the world, tell me about it! The comments link down there is wide open for any suggestions. :)


Jay Steven Anyong said...

Curses! *shakes fist* My plan to gather information from the brightest minds of the planet has been foiled. Or at least, revealed.

Are you sure you're not a super spy, Sox?

raymond said...

this might give you ideas