Saturday, February 12, 2005


My name is weak.

So common, so mundane, so impotent.

People hear my name and do not listen. They tune me out, oblivous to who I am. My being is nothing of concern.

I do not matter.

I am just like one of them, they think, small and petty and anonymous.

They are wrong.

My name will become strong.

Unique. Special. Powerful.

Men will shake their heads and clench their fists, women will wail and gnash their teeth, and children will stare, wide-eyed as they realize that the grown ups they rely on cannot possibly protect them.

From me.

I will matter.

I am not like them, so small and petty and anonymous.

I will prove them wrong.


And that was something I just thought about in five minutes. Not really sure what that was, but it seems pretty cool. I wonder how I can improve it though. Thoughts anyone?


raymond said...

it sounds so... biblical (especially the wailing and gnashing of teeth)

Jay Steven Anyong said...

now that you pointed it out, it does seem a tad apocalyptic...

Tonnie Seawolf said...

It's like:
"Know my name and fear me! For I am JAY!!!" :D

Jay Steven Anyong said...


actually, as much as that would have been so cool, it's still a work of fiction. :p

my real personality would have been the more mundane, "hey there, I'm Jay." :D

raymond said...

how about this?

"Hey there, I'm Jay. I know where you live... (diabolical laughter)"

Jay Steven Anyong said...

hey Raymond, at least my "psychotic" writing is still up to par. :D

raymond said...

yup, good for you. i think i've mellowed down a bit since then