Friday, June 11, 2004

24 and going...

Great, 24 now and still going. :p

I guess nothing much to write about honestly, aside from the fact that I've managed to get my co-worker's deadjournal address and I'm putting it up on my sidebar as a link. Shar's a pretty cool girl, and from the looks of it, she does poetry a hell of a lot better than I do. Which is probably also why I stick to prose.

For other links, here's Lara's website. Lara was our instructor for the Sykes Core Skills Training module, and it turns out that she's friends with more than a couple of AEGIS people, Adrian, Nabs and Tommy Lim. Small world, I guess.


I really should get back to writing. Maybe living with only the night to guide me will help out in bringing the angsty, moody, and melodramatic stuff out of me. ;) I'll end up as a coffee zombie, with dark circles under my bloodshot eyes, my hair haggard and unkempt, drooping over my face as I walk down the streets of Makati.

I can't wait.

Then again, I have to admit that Gothic stuff has it's appeal. I'm not a full goth by any means, but I find the culture fascinating. Then again, I'm a big fan of the whole World of Darkness, so big surprise, right?

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