Monday, February 18, 2008

Oh look! I'm alive!

I would like to stress that rumors of my untimely demise are greatly exaggerated.

In fact I would like to clarify that while I did end up being blasted out of the pressurized door of Neo-Nazi secret spy plane in atmosphere, I was able to use both the door in question as an air board to scoot over to a pair of large birds negotiated for their assistance with the promise of fish.

Dealing with the shark infested waters I landed in was an entirely different matter however.

But nonetheless with that rather exciting weekend, I am once again safely ensconced within the office, typing away at the laptop and otherwise maintaining my civilian identity when I'm not out saving the world.

I shall endeavor to write more frequently on this blog as I feel a burning shame towards not being able to keep this one updated as much as I ought to.

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