Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Kickass Game Intros

Hey there,

Normally people make "Best of" lists at around this time, but I figure since I'm usually not one to take note of specific dates, I might as well list something that does pretty much figure into my consciousness:

Video Game Intros:

Let's start off with Tales of the Abyss:

And just to get it out of the way, Kingdom Hearts 2

I'd be a fool if I didn't mention Digital Devil Saga 2

Final Fantasy 12 has fantastic visuals that make sure that Squeenix is still king of eye candy

I'm sure people have far more suggestions than these, so if you've got a kickass intro to add to this, link to it in the comments page!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The only good thing from Warhammer: Mark of Chaos...its intro. (^_^)