Friday, February 06, 2004

Man-eating ATMs!

Hey guys,

Taking a break off writing Chronicles of the Penitent for now. :p Gonna enjoy my weekend a bit.

Work was admittedly very strange. I was headed to the office when I saw three people about my age looking very distressed and knocking on the glass security door of a nearby Automated Teller Machine. It took a few seconds for me to realize that they'd been locked inside, and no amount of budging on my part could open the door.

Fortunately a quick slip of a laminated ID card by the latch got them out, I was able to head off to work no later, and oddly amused by the amount of relief on the faces of the three trapped people.


On another note, please visit India's blog over on the sidebar, it's the one with the title, "For orange skies". India was nice enough to link to me, so I'm giving her a little plug of my own as a show of thanks and appreciation. :)


Well, aside from that, things are pretty quiet. I'm giving myself some time to relax and ease off my brain. I don't want to burn myself out. :) Anway, hope you guys are having a great day!

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