Monday, July 24, 2006

Pet Peevery

Little Known Fact: I like Utada Hikaru's songs.

One of the songs I really like is "First Love"


Other Little Known Fact: I have no respect for Mimicry

Now while I hardly watch any sort of TV, the promotion for this particular song by Toni Gonzaga triggered an irrational urge to hate. And hate I shall.

Pay special attention to the chorus.

Sounds familiar?

Hand me a shotgun and Toni Gonzaga's songwriter. There will be much violence.


Unproven mimicry:

Apparently an "english version" of the song was used for some localized chinese wuxia romance series. I'm a big fan of wuxia but I'm curious if Jessa Zaragoza got permission to use the song, even if it's translated.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So my muse broke into my house again...

smelling of cheap beer and cigarette smoke. I can already feel her influence leeching into my system and finally my brain has a voice again to write in my blog.

After a long period of inactivity this blog is once again online and fully operational. Not a lot of stuff going on in my life as of late, aside from running a demo game of 7th Sea in the recent New World's Sci-Fi and Fantasy Convention held last weekend.

I had a good time, running 2 demo games in a row. The new players seem to have enjoyed themselves as well. Good for them, and I hope they continue gaming. Gamers are scarce enough as is.

I'm beginning to wonder what it will take to get more people to try rpgs and how to get rpg players to try GMing.

It's really not that hard, it's just that most of us GMs are pretty good at making it look like everything is under control.

What do you guys think? Any GMs out there care to share how they got into gaming this way as opposed to just being a regular player?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blog Dungeon Hack

There is a distinct tone of finality as the rusty gate of the dungeon entrance closes behind you.

"Sorry about this, stranger, but the law is the law." the guardsman said. "Your best hope of proving your innocence is to find your way out of the dungeon with the King's seal."

He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "It wouldn't be sporting to leave you there with nothing but the clothes on your back, now would it? Alright, take these."

He slips a few items through the small barred window of the gate. A Knife, a waterskin, and a torch with some flint and steel to light it with.

"Take care now." The guard said and walked away and up the stairs, leaving you alone by the gate, with the pitch black dungeon ahead of you.

You light up your torch, the light from it illuminating the passageway ahead of you. It seems to stretch ahead for a few paces, then branches off into a T-intersection. To the left, you hear the sounds of gurgling water. There are no clues as to what lies to your right.

Where do you go?


Okay guys, let's see if anyone is willing to participate in my little experiment. just click on the comments, and input your next course of action. I'll give it a few days, and I'll post the continuation of the story based on the choice with the most votes.